Sunday 19 February 2017

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Technologies I used -
I used the internet to look up about other music videos by using software YouTube.
New skills-
I didn't learn any new skills as this piece of software is simple and I use it in everyday life. Which means that I didn't improve in anything during the research part.

Technologies I used -
I used the internet mainly which is a software which means that I used it to look up what I need to use throughout my production to make it look professional.
New skills-
I didn't learn any new skills as I use the internet everyday and therefore didn't learn anything.

Technologies I used -
The technologies I used whilst doing the production of my ancillary texts and music video is two types of software which where photoshop to improve the ancillary texts. iMovie to improve the music video and put all the clips together to make the music video as best I could. The only part of hardware I used was a camera which I used to take photos for my ancillary texts.
New skills-
During the production of my ancillary texts I learnt how to use photo shop which was a new skill as I never used it before. I found it quiet hard at first due to having to pay very little detail to everything within the ancillary texts. However during using iMovie I had used it before and therefore didn't learn any new skills.
Whilst using iMovie I used features such as speeding up the film to make it look like times moving quickly. The video effects which I used to change the colour of the videos and different effects over the videos to change what they looked like. I think it looks very effective because it looks like it is s CCTV camera and therefore creates the atmosphere of the location.

Overall i used both new and old software and hardware some that I’ve used before and some that i haven’t. due to this i have learnt new skills such as how to photoshop and change the effect on iMovie therefore learning most of my new skills during the production stage. however i didn’t learn any new skills when i did my research and planning

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