Thursday 20 October 2016

Pop Music History

The name of the genre ‘pop’ abbreviated from the word ‘popular’. The genre also originated in the 50s from rock and roll. The first pop song that is recorded is from 1926. According to Grove Music Online ‘pop music’ came from Britain which was a form of rock and roll and the new style of youth influence. The most well known names in history are; The Beatles, Michael Jackson and ABBA. Pop music accounts for most of today's music charts is a mix of many music genres such as jazz to country or rock and roll to rap. Pop music is seen to be very commercial friendly, marketable and memorial with catchy choruses and verses. From the 1956 to the 1958 lots happened in the pop music industry, for example in 1956 Elvis Presley emerged with so many hit singles to follow. Then in 1958 Michael Jackson and Madonna were born which are two of the most well known people in pop. Within the 70s Madonna and Michael Jackson go forward to release number one singles in the charts. There is a wide range of music instruments that are these consist of vocals, guitars, drums and orchestral sting instruments.

Girls just want to have fun came out in 1983 and was sung by Cyndi Lauper. The song was released in the album ‘Twelve Deadly Cyns...and Then Some’.
Camera angles are used throughout the music video to go against and follow the typical conventions and stereotypes of a pop music video. The first shot is a mid-shot of a woman baking this is stereotypically correct because women are seen to always be baking and not to leave the kitchen. The next shot is a long shot to show what the women is wearing therefore following the typical conventions that women only care about what they wear. An establishing shot is the next and it shows the town that they live in which, shows it to be quiet therefore going against the typical conventions of a pop music video as they normally are busy and doing things. Following this is a long shot of her dancing therefore following the conventions of a pop music video as it shows her to be dancing along with the music. However it goes against the stereotype of women because she doesn’t seem to care what others think therefore is shown to be dancing in the road. Following this long shot there is another long shot which shows her mother getting annoyed therefore showing that they are following the typical stereotypes of teenage girls going against their mothers and arguing a lot. The next shot is a close up of the phone which shows her not being allowed to use it therefore being controlled. This follows the conventions of women not being allowed to do the same things as men are allowed. Linking to this there is a long shot of her dad telling her off and worrying about her therefore can be seen as a ‘daddy’s girl’. Resulting in her getting her own way with her dad, therefore following the stereotype of teenage girls being a ‘daddy’s girl’. There is a mid-shot next showing her to still be on the phone which follows the stereotype of girls always being on the phone and gossiping. To follow the conventions of women being controlled there is a close up of the TV and on the TV there is a man controlling a woman by holding her over his shoulder as if he owns her. Another shot that is shown is a long shot with a high angle of a man standing over a women sitting down which shows that they can try and have fun however they are always being controlled. Lastly an establishing shot of everyone partying in her room shows that teenagers go against their parents and just want to party therefore ensuing the stereotype of teenagers.
Editing is another way that this music video follows and goes against stereotypes and conventions. This is by using fun effects that shows women can have fun. This follows the conventions of a pop video because they are mucking around and not to be taking anything seriously. However it goes against the stereotype of women because it shows that women aren’t serious and don’t care however women are stereotypically meant to look after everyone. The fast cuts that are used throughout the music video shows that she wants to do everything and everything is busy therefore following the conventions of a pop music video.
The Mise en scene is used to show that all the main characters in the music video are girls and therefore they are sticking together. This follows the stereotype of ‘girl code’ as it shows them being there for each other. By having the mother in the kitchen cooking shows that they are following the stereotype of women being in the kitchen all the time. By using the mother’s expression it is shown that, that is where the girl should be as well however the girl is rebelling. By having the man in a vest and being fat is used to show the au9idence that the mother is doing her job by caring for her husband which means that they are following the wife’s stereotype for making sure she is looking after her husband. Girls’ costumes are also used to follow the stereotypes as they are all dressed in dresses therefore shown to be girly which the typical girl is. Following this the girls are doing their hair which is following the stereotype that girls only care about what they look like. Due to this it shows men just standing around starring therefore following the conventions that women are there to be sexualised. Also following that the girls are stereotypically girl the colour her room is follows this stereotype as it is painted pink. Lastly the prop that one of the men bring her shows that women need men therefore following the conventions of women being weak, this is shown as a man brings her flowers therefore also portraying that all girls are girly.
To end the sound is used throughout to follow and go against the usual conventions and stereotypes. The sound of the women cracking the eggs in the beginning is diegetic sound which is a natural sound. This is stereotypical for the women to be baking therefore the sound of cracking eggs can be associated with women. the music in the background is non-diegetic sound which sets the scene in what time of year this is based in, this music shows that the type of music that is played in the background goes against the pop genre therefore shows the teenage girl rebelling more. Another type of diegetic sound in the music video is the singing this is a convention of a pop video because the song follows the stereotype of pop songs being catchy.

Monday 17 October 2016


Costumes for music video


Story Board

To show the ideas we have for our music video we have designed a story board based on the lyric analysis. This project was easy to do as we wrote down our ideas already on the lyrics which meant that we could draw our ideas down easy.